50 Stories About The History Of Wales
We believe history should be entertaining, engaging and enjoyable.
And that's what we aim for in our 90 minute 'performances' packed with upto 50 historical stories, and scores of pictures, illustrations and graphics about people and events that have made a real difference to Wales.
Or contribution to Wales more like, as we think there's a lot to celebrate, a lot to be proud of, in the history of our country.
And just to make sure everyone gets involved, we not only begin most stories with a question, we encourage people to shout out the answer - and the first right shout wins a small edible prize.
All the same, we're serious about the past, so all the facts have been researched to academic standards - or, if that's not possible, we tell you.
So, click here to see what performances are on in the near future, and buy tickets online for £8 (TicketSource are a Welsh company), or at the door, subject to availability, for £10.
Sorry, but no concessionary prices as the price is already as low as a Price can make it.